Sunday, December 16, 2007

Alicia Keys - No One Chords and Lyrics

Only my second post of an Alicia Keys song - one of those artists I haven't quite made my mind up about yet! But... I do like "No One", her first single from the "As I Am" album, and as it sits on top of the US singles charts, am obviously not alone here!! I suppose 30 million record buyers can't be wrong...

Anywaze, my interpretation of "No One" is now on my Pop Songs Guitar Chords page at the link below:

PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Miscellaneous Pop Songs

Find all the information you need about Alicia on the official Alicia Keys website

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Wilco - Either Way Chords

Yet another band I keep promising to listen more too - Wilco, a kind of alternative country/indie band from Chicago. They've been around for quite a while ( first album released in 1995 ), but I'm listening to their later stuff and working my way back!

I've worked out my interpretation of "Either Way" from their new 2007 album "Sky Blue Sky" - a lovely song, one I really enjoy playing.

You can find my version of the song chords and lyrics for "Either Way" on my Rock Song chords page at the link below:

PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Rock Songs(E)

Find out more about Wilco on their official band website at

UPDATE 12 OCT 2009. This song, along with the other Wilco songs I've worked out, is now on my Wilco guitar chords and lyrics page. PJ

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Magic Numbers - Love Me Like You/Wheels on Fire chords

Haven't posted a Magic Numbers song for a while, but I've been listening to them quite a bit lately, and getting to really like their songs. So I've worked out two more and added them to my site. As I plan to include more chords and lyrics for their songs, I've created a Magic Numbers Guitar Chords page on my site.

The new songs added are both from the eponymous 2005 "Magic Numbers" album - "Love me like you" and "Wheels on Fire". Great songs to sing, obviously better if you have someone to do the harmonies!

You can find my version of the chords and lyrics for the songs at the link below.

You can find out more about The Magic Numbers, and check out music clips, videos, biography etc. at their official website: The Magic Numbers

You can check out Magic Numbers discography and buy their records online at the CD Universe link below:

Magic Numbers on CD Universe

Just to remind you aboutn a cool software tool for musicians I featured on a previous Blog post - SongSurgeon. This program would be a boon to any musician, not just guitar players. Basically a very simple idea - you take a song you own in electronic format - CD, MP3, whatever, and the program allows you to slow it down without changing the pitch. You can mark a section ( e.g. guitar solo ) and loop so that it plays over and over. Simple, but brilliant!

I hate to think of the number of hours I've spent with fingers poisted over the Pause, Play, and 'Back' buttons, just to try to figure out a nifty guitar riff, or make sense of a vocal. Pity no-one came up with this idea years ago!

Anyway, I highly recommend that you check it out, at

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -
Guitar Backing Tracks -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Battle of the Bands in Cyberspace - vote MOERAES FATE ( Dame)

Thankfully, I've gotten back into stride and posted several new song chords over the past coupla weeks.

Right now, I have something to ask of you. Nothing, big, just a few minutes from your busy day, to listen to what I believe to be the best internet rock band around. It will cheer you up, make me happy, and make a bunch of really great young female rock musicians happy. Everybody wins... easy!!

I have only blogged off-topic twice before, to spread the good word on a fabulous young girl band from Canada called Dame ( 29 Sep 09 - now renamed as Moeraes Fate ). Since joining MySpace over 2 years ago to promote my website, I have been exposed to some of the best new music being produced by young bands, mostly unsigned. Many of these are on my 'Friend List' ( I always accept requests and respond with honest appraisals ), But Moeraes Fate ( formerly Dame ) for me are the future of rock music.

Moeraes Fate( Dame ) have stood out as the best internet band I've heard by far, writing and performing "Big loud rock tunes with big loud hooks" ( in their own words ), or kickass Rock music the way it was always meant to sound ( my version! ). They have four songs ( Cyclops, Intervention, Hey Angel, and Amnesia ) featured on the Moeraes Fate ( Dame ) Myspace page - three of these can also be heard on the Dame Battle of the Bands page. There is also a Youtube video montage of their songs on the Dame Band Myspace page.

If you can make it over, and cast your vote at this Moeraes Fate (Dame) Battle of the Bands page link, you'll have that warm feeling of having made the world a better place. Please do yourself a favour, listen to the Moeraes Fate (Dame) songs , they have a great new rock sound. And you can help a talented young all-girl rock band move on to better things.

If you are as impressed as I have been with the Moeraes Fate sound, remember that you can revisit and vote every day up to December 31

Thanks for your patience, there will be new song chords and lyrics coming along really soon!

Enjoy your music,


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Colin Hay - Just Don't think I'll ever get over you

Possibly best known as a founding member of Australian band "Men at Work", who had a huge hit in 1981 with "Down Under", Colin Hay has been performing since the late 1970's, with Men at Work, as a solo artist, and with Ringo Starr's 'Seventh All-Starr Band'.

A number of his songs have featured in NBC' series 'Scrubs' and other TV shows.

'Just Don't think I'll ever get over you' featured in the movie 'Garden State' and is included on the film's soundtrack album.

You can find my version of the chords and lyrics for the song on my Pop Songs Guitar Chords page at the link below:

PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Miscellaneous Pop Songs

Remember there are over 1,600 easy-to-play versions of songs by top bands and artists on my website: PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics

Colin Hay's official website is at :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Monday, November 19, 2007

Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey-oh!) chords

Love 'em or hate 'em - but write 'em off at your peril. The Red Hot Chili Peppers may be a bit long-in-the-tooth, but they're still churning out their inimitable brand of rock, and will outlast many of the more 'in vogue' indie and rock bands of today.

Stadium Arcadium debuted at #1 in both the US and UK album charts when it was released in 2006. Snow is the band's 11th No. 1 single, and the third single from the album to reach the top spot.

So, hopefully in keeping with the season that's in it, I've worked out my version of the chords and lyrics from RCHP's Snow, which you can find on my Red Hot Chili Peppers Guitar Chords page at the link below:

PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Red Hot Chili Pepper Guitar Songs

Remember there are over 1,600 easy-to-play versions of songs by top bands and artists on my website: PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics

You can check out the band's official website at :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Arcade Fire - Wake Up Chords

Another band I really need to catch up with is "Arcade Fire". While being aware of them for some time, I really haven't taken the time to listen to their work.

They are a Canadian band founded in 2003 by Win Butler and Régine Chassagne ( husband and wife ), and have released two studio albums - "Funeral" in 2004 and "Neon Bible" earlier this year.

"Wake up" comes from the earlier album, and I've added my chords and lyrics version of the song to my Rock Songs Guitar Chords page at the link below:
Hopefully I will manage to add another couple from this album before moving on to "Neon Bible".

PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Miscellaneous Rock Songs

Remember there are over 1,600 easy-to-play versions of songs by top bands and artists on my website: PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics

You can check out Arcade Fire's official website at :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Monday, November 12, 2007

Wilco - Jesus Etc.

11th November: I have added Wilco's "Jesus Etc. " to my "Rock Songs" page: Rock guitar chords and lyrics

To locate the song, click on 'J' to jump to songs beginning with 'J' or just scroll down through the list of miscellaneous Rock guitar chords, which are indexed by song title.

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Avril Lavigne - When You're Gone chords

Haven't posted anything from Ms. Lavigne for some time, so I thought it time to redress the omission.

"When you're gone" is a great track, the second single from Avril's third album "The Best Damn Thing". You can find my version of the chords and lyrics for the song at the link below.

You can find out more about Avril Lavigne, and check out music clips, videos, biography etc. at her official website:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Paddy Casey - 'Addicted to Company' chords

Always a pleasure to add a post from an Irish artist!.

Hardly prolific, Paddy has just released his 3rd album, having had major successes with 'Amen(So be it)' in 1999 and the multi-platinum 'Living' in 2003.

'Addicted to Company(Part 1 )' was released in September 2007, and while four years between albums seems a long wait, it was certainly worth it.

The first single from the album is also called 'Addicted to Love', and I have worked out my interpretation of the song, and posted it to my Rock Songs page: - PJs Guitar Chords - Rock songs
at the link below:

Guitar chords and lyrics - Paddy Casey "Addicted to Company"

You can find out more about Paddy Casey at his official website:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Scissor Sisters - I don't feel like Dancing

Whatever it is about the Scissor Sisters, it's always hard to find anyone who admits they might be cool, but everytime they release a single, it's the most requested song I get!!

Took me a while to exorcise the whole ghost of the 'Bee Gees' that haunts the new one, but, in the end, it's just a good-time song you can have a lot of fun playing on guitar, so I've posted it to my 'Pop Songs' page:

Find out more about the band on their website:

My 10 Million Visitor competition is now over - to see if you've won, check out the winners page:

There are a lot of guitar lessons sites and programs out there, but I've discovered a really great resource for the 'Beginner' to 'Intermediate' guitar player, which doesn't assume any previous musical knowledge or skills, but takes you through all of the early stages of the learning process, and brings you along at a pace that traditional guitar lessons could never match.

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -
Guitar Backing Tracks -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Oasis - Importance of being Idle guitar chords and lyrics

27th September: I added "Importance of Being Idle" ( great song! ) to my Oasis page: Haven't heard the rest of the new stuff, but it sounds like they could be back to their best.

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Got Ma Nuts from a Hippy - The Fratellis

Regular blog readers will know that "Costello Music" by the Fratellis was my favourite album of 2007, for several years in fact - I have just posted my interpretation of another of the great songs from this album "Got ma nuts from a Hippy" to my Fratellis song chords page:

You can listen to this song, and 3 others from the album on the Fratellis official Myspace page at

You should also take a look at the Fratellis official website at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Kooks - Ooh La! Chords&Lyrics

Another song posted from The Kooks, from their classic "Inside In/Inside Out" album.

Ooh La, by Brighton's finest is yet more delicious garage pop/rock, great to listen to, and a fun song to play.

I've just posted the chords & lyrics to my 'Rock Songs' page, check out the link below.

UPDATE:  I now have a Kooks page at - Chords for "Ooh La" by the Kooks are at 

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -
Guitar Backing Tracks -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Hold On - KT Tunstall

Scottish songstress KT Tunstall released her second studio album, "Drastic Fantastic" earlier this year, and it completely lives up to the expectation generated by her debut album "Eye to the Telescope".

"Hold On" is the first single from the album. It's a great rocky, raunchy song - you can check it out on KT's MySpace page

I have worked out my interpretation of the song, and posted the song chords and lyrics to my KT Tunstall page: KT Tunstall Guitar chords and lyrics

Visit KT Tunstall's official website at

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Bedouin Soundclash - the T-Mobile song

19th September:

Great, great song featured on the new T-Mobile ad. The song is called "When the night feels my song", and it's by a great band called 'Bedouin Soundclash'.

I've just posted the chords & lyrics to my 'Rock Songs' page, check out the link below.

You're definitely gonna hear more and more of this band, check out what they're all about at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Carla Bruni - Those Dancing Days are Gone

An Italian-born, French supermodel turned songwriter and musical artist, brings us a song with lyrics by late, great Irish poet W.B. Yeats - an unlikely and unusual combination to say the least!

But that is what Carla Bruni has brought us with "Those Dancing Days are gone", a brilliant track from her "No Promises" album, released earlier this year. All of the songs on the album are based on lyrics of poems by some of the world's greats - Emily Dickinson, W.H. Auden and Dorothy Parker among them.

I have worked out my interpretation of the song, and posted it to my Soul/Rhythm & Blues page: Guitar chords and lyrics for Soul R&B songs

Carla Bruni's official website is

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Idiot Wind - Bob Dylan

I was playing at a party in a friends house recently, when someone requested Dylan's "Idiot Wind". It had been a while since I played it, and I couldn't be sure of remembering all of the lyrics. "Just go to the Dylan page on my website, and print it off for me, I'll play it later", I said ( well, slurred actually, it was getting late... ). I was amazed when the answer came back that it wasn't there, I had never posted it...

Coming from one of Dylan's greatest works "Blood on the Tracks", this is one of those songs many people won't know, but all of the Dylan fans in the audience will sit up and listen. The powerful, sneering lyrics make it a really fun song to do, also!

So I have remedied the omission, the song is now on my Bob Dylan page ( link below ).

PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Bob Dylan Song Chords

Dylan's official website is at :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Monday, August 20, 2007

Hey There Delilah - Plain White Ts

Only heard this band for the first time the other day, when "Hey There Delilah" came on the radio, but apparently they have been around a while - their first album Come on Over was released in 2001. Definitely a band I need to catch up with!

I have posted my version of "Hey There Delilah" to my Rock Songs Guitar Chords page at the link below:

PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Miscellaneous Rock Songs

The song itself can be found on the band's EP of the same name, also on their 2005 album "All that we needed".

You can check out the band's official website at :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Stereophonics - Dakota guitar chords and lyrics

August 18 - added Stereophonics 'Dakota' to the Stereophonics guitar chords page. -

Check out the chords and lyrics to 1400+ other great songs at PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics

Also - check out the articles and lessons on my GuitarTips blog All articles supplied by Chris Elmore, GuitarTips webmaster especially for my site visitors.

Enjoy your music,
P.J. Murphy
webmaster, PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics
Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Friday, August 10, 2007

Paolo Nutini - New Shoes chords

My first Paolo Nutini post, and it's "New Shoes" from the "These Streets" album, and also his new single. Paolo hails from Paisley in Scotland ( more info on his official website:

My interpretation of the song chords and lyrics for "New Shoes" is on my Pop Song chords page at the link below:

PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Pop Songs( Paulo Nutini )

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Monday, August 06, 2007

People help the People - Cherry Ghost

This is a great song from "Thirst for Romance", the debut album by a UK Band ( from Bolton, Lancashire ) called Cherry Ghost. The band were a big hit at both the 2007 Glastonbury Festival (UK) and the Irish Oxegen Festival 2007.

I have worked out my interpretation of the lyrics and song chords from the latest single from the album - "People help the People", you can find it on my Rock Song chords page at the link below:

PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Rock Songs

The official Cherry Ghost web site is at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Kaiser Chiefs - Oh My God guitar chords and lyrics

Just watching TV coverage of the Summer Rock Festivals has been a great 'heads-up' for some songs I have neglected to post on the site.

One of these was from Leeds rockers The Kaiser Chiefs, one of the ultimate rock anthems - "Oh My God". With the chorus line repetition, you'll definitely get the crowd ( and/or your dog.. ) singing and clapping along to this one. I've posted my interpretation of "Oh My God" on my Kaiser Chiefs song chords page, see link below:

PJ's Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Kaiser Chiefs song chords

The official Kaiser Chiefs web site is at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Zutons - Valerie

I was kinda late getting into The Zutons, "You will, You Won't" pretty much passed me by, but I really got into their songs with "Who Killed the Zutons". I've posted "Confusion" and "Remember Me", but will probably return to that album for more.

Meanwhile, I posted "Why won't you give me your love", from the latest offering "Tired of Hanging Around" a while back, and created a new Zutons page, 'cos I think I'll be adding quite a few there. Just added the brilliant "Valerie", you can check it out at the link below:

The Zutons guitar chords and lyrics - Valerie

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Supertramp - Breakfast in America (girlfriend) chords and lyrics

It was only when I heard Cupid's Chokehold on radio with their single "Take a look at my girlfriend" that I realized that I hadn't posted the classic Supertramp song "Breakfast in America", from which the chorus samples are taken, to my site. So - I've rectified the omission, my interpretation of the original Supertramp song is now on my Rock Song chords page ( link below )

PJs Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Rock Songs

Though it dates back to 1979, it's another one of those timeless, anthemic songs, when you play it you'll be surprised at how many people are singing along!

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Saturday, July 14, 2007

My Chemical Romance - Teenager chords

This is my first post of a song by New Jersey band "My Chemical Romance". They've been around since 2001, but have been kinda on the fringe of my musical taste. But "Teenagers", their latest from the much-acclaimed 2006 album "The Black Parade", has a real 'Rock Anthem' feel about it, and I felt I had to give it a go and add it to the collection of over 1,600 songs now on my guitar chords website . My interpretation of "Teenagers" is at the link below:

PJs Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Rock songs, My Chemical Romance "Teenager"

I hope you'll enjoy giving it a go, it's a fun song to do in any crowd

The official My Chemical Romance is at :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Battle of the Bands - Moeraes Fate ( formerly Dame )

For once, a post which has nothing at all to do with my website ( there will be new song chords very soon, don't panic! ).

But I discovered a fantastic band on MySpace called Moeraes Fate ( formerly Dame), and they are currently embroiled in an online Battle of the Bands. I think they could go a long way, and would love to see them win this, so please give 'em your support!

Click the banner below, click the links to check out their songs, and give them a helping hand! They are a very young band, but don't be fooled, they are not just 'good for their age', they are REALLY good. I'm sure you will agree.

UPDATE 29th Sept 09: Dame have re-invented themselves as "Moeraes Fate", and are about to release a new EP. You can find out more about Moeraes Fate, and listen to their songs at

Monday, July 02, 2007

The Fratellis - Flathead chords

... and yet another song from the ( in my opinion ) best album of 2007, "Costello Music" by the Fratellis - this time I have posted my interpretation of "Flathead" ( it featured on Apples iPod TV ad ) to my Fratellis song chords page:

PJs Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Fratellis song chords

If you haven't already got this album - go get it now!!

You should also take a look at the Fratellis official website at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Kings of Leon - Fans

I've posted my interpretation of another song from Tennessee's finest, the Kings of Leon to my guitar chords and lyrics website. This time it is the new single 'Fans', from their great "Because of the Times" album. It's on my 'Rock Songs guitar chords' page ( link below ), I hope you'll enjoy giving it a go!

Rock songs guitar chords - Kings of Leon "Fans"

Check out the official Kings of Leon website at :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Amy Winehouse - Love is a Losing Game

This is my fourth Amy Winehouse song, having previously posted 'Rehab', 'You Know I'm no Good', and 'Back to Black', all from the brilliant 'Back to Black' album.

Have to admit that I was on the fence after hearing 'Rehab', but the girl has definitely got soul. I watched TV coverage of her performance at the Glastonbury Festival, and it blew me away, particularly her rendition of 'Love is a Losing Game'. ( Although the cover of The Special's 'Monkey Man' was also superb!! ).

So... I've worked out my interpretation of the song, and added it to my Soul/R&B song chords page, please check out the link below:

Guitar chords for soul r&b songs - Amy Winehouse

NOTE: All Amy Winehouse songs have been relocated on my Amy Winehouse guitar chords and lyrics page.

You can find out more about Amy Winehouse and her music on her official website :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Raconteurs - Steady as she goes

I added The Raconteurs "Steady as she goes" to the site ( ) - you can check it out at the link below:
Guitar chords and lyrics - rock songs

I hope you'll enjoy playing it, it's a really catchy rock song, and suitable for playing on acoustic as well as electric.

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Joshua Radin - Closer ( from Scrubs )

Once again, 'Scrubs' re-runs have nudged me toward another good song, this time "Closer" by Josh Radin. I believe it has also featured in 'Greys Anatomy'.

Anywaze, I've worked on it, and my interpretation is now on my Pop Songs guitar chords page ( link below )

PJs Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Pop Songs, Joshua Radin "Closer"

I hadn't heard of Josh before, but it's a really nice singer-songwriter-y kinda song. I checked out his Wikipedia page -, it seems he's been around a few years.
Check out the Joshua Radin MySpace page, where you can listen to "Closer" and 3 of his other songs, check out his official website at

If you are a new visitor, or haven't visited in a while, check out the more than 1,600 songs on my guitar song chords and lyrics site

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Friday, June 22, 2007

Paul McCartney - Dance Tonight chords

I suppose it couldn't by any stretch be called a classic song from a former Beatle, but "Dance Tonight" from Paul's new "Memory Almost Full" album is an extremely playable and fun song to do on guitar, as well as mandolin, and with just a few chords, very suitable for early learners, so I have worked out my interpretation of the chords and lyrics and posted them to my Beatles page ( link below )

I hope you'll have as much fun with it as I have!

To find out what Paul is up to these days, check out his website at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ordinary Day - Dolores O'Riordan

All Cranberries fans will be delighted to see that former lead singer and song writer Dolores O'Riordan has released her solo album "Are You Listening", her first recording since the Cranberries last album "Wake up and smell the Coffee" in 2001 ( although she has been involved in several projects in the meantime ).

I have worked out my ( simplified ) interpretation of the chords and lyrics for her new single "Ordinary Day", which you can find on my Cranberries Song chords page:

PJs Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Cranberries song chords

Check out Dolores' pages on Wikipedia at this link , and visit her MySpace page , where you can listen to the new song.

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Christy Moore - The Pretender

I have quite a few Christy Moore songs on my Guitar Chords website, but recently received a request for a song of his I hadn't heard yet - The Contender. Found a friend who had a copy of Christy's 'This is the Day' album containing the song ( great album! ), and managed to work it out from a few hearings. I've posted it to my Christy Moore songs page at the link below:

Free Christy Moore guitar chords and lyrics

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Monday, May 28, 2007

Weezer - Freak Me Out

Again, to try to maintain a balance of old and new songs as I update the site, I've reached back, - this time just back to 2005 for a great song by one of the most prolific bands of the past fifteen years. I remember when Windows 95 was first released, and multimedia was born, the big talking point was the inclusion of a video of Weezer's "Buddy Holly" on the "W95 installation CD.

12 years, 25 albums and 22 singles on, they are still one of my favourite 'feelgood bands'. So I've worked out my interpretation of "Freak Me Out", from the "Make Believe" album. You can check it out on my Weezer guitar chords page.

Check out the official Weezer website at :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Corinne Bailey Rae - Trouble Sleeping

I wasn't quite sure whether I liked the first Corinne Bailey Rae song ( "Put your records on" ), but I REALLY like the latest single "Trouble Sleeping".

I've posted the song to my "Pop Songs guitar chords" page, just click on the link below:

Guitar chords and lyrics, Pop songs - Corinne Bailey Rae

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Killers - Bling (Confessions of a King)

Just posted my interpretation of The Killers "Bling (Confessions of a King)" to my Killers Song Chords page, please feel free to check it out.

It's the latest single from the excellent "Sam's Town" album

To find out more about the Killers, check out their official UK website at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Regina Spektor - Hotel Room ( Vodaphone Ad )

Ok, I've definitely turned commercial - this is the second song from a TV ad I've worked out this month! Always delighted to hit on a new song by a good female singer. I'm conscious of the fact that about half of my visitors are of the female persuasion, so even if I'm not likely to ad some of the songs to my own repertoire, I still enjoy working them out, so long as the songs are good.

This time I picked up on the song in the Vodaphone ad, which is Regina Spektor singing 'Hotel Room', really nice song, from an artist I hadn't really listed to much before now. I've posted my interpretation of the chords and lyrics to my Pop Guitar Song chords page:, at the link below, I hope you'll have some fun with it!

PJs Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Pop Song chords, Regina Spektor "Hotel Room"

You can find out more about Regina on her official website:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Monday, May 14, 2007

Fratellis - For the Girl chords

Well, it was never going to be too long before I worked out and posted another Fratellis song! ( In fairness, they did make Rolling Stones "Top 10 bands to watch"

Definitely my favourite music to listen to right now. If you haven't already got this album - go get it now!!

"For the Girl" is up there with the best on the album - I've worked out my version of the chords and lyrics and posted them to my Fratelli's song chords page ( just one of the many artist and genre pages on my guitar chords and lyrics website. )

You can check out my version of the song here: The Fratellis Guitar Chords page

To find out more about the band, check out their official website at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Monday, May 07, 2007

Manic Street Preachers - Your Love alone...

I was surprised to find, when working on "Your love alone is not enough" by Manic Street Preachers ( with Nina Persson from The Cardigans ), that I actually don't have any other of their songs on my site! They were never exactly my favourite band, but were definitely part of the sound I was listening to during the mid-nineties.

Anywaze, I am remedying the omission now, I have posted my version of the chords for 'Your love alone' on the Pop Guitar Song chords page of my Guitar Chords and Lyrics website

It's a very playable song, nice straightforward chords, I hope you will have fun with it. And for Manics fans, apologies - I will try to catch up by adding some of their well known older songs over the next few months.

You can check out the Manics official website at :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Friday, May 04, 2007

Release Me - Oh Laura ( Saab Ad )

I found myself humming this song, and couldn't figure out for an age where it was coming from - but it's the song for the new Saab ad, "Release Me" by Swedish Band 'Oh Laura'.

Really catchy song, best suited for femal vocals, but I worked out a playable version, which I've posted on my Pop Guitar Song chords page: . The song is actually in A major, but I think it sounds better played in E, with the capo on 5th fret to bring it up to A, which allows for a nice E-F# riff. Check it out at the link below, I hope you'll enjoy it!

PJs Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Pop Songs chords, Oh Laura "Release Me"

You can find out more about the band ( and listen to the song! ) on their MySpace page:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:
Squidoo Lens:

Sunday, April 29, 2007

How Wonderful You Are - Gordon Haskell

BBC2's 'Top of the Pops 2' is a great resource for reminders of great songs from previous years which I'd neglected to include on the website - watching tonight I heard Gordon Gaskell's "How wonderful you are" - one of those 'out of the blue' hits in 2001.

I sat down and worked out a playable version of the song, lovely bluesy chords and a great melody. A bit stumped as to which of my site pages to include it on - as the former singer and Bass player with the great King Crimson, you'd expect to add his songs to the Rock song chords page - I eventually settled on my Soul/Rhythm&Blues page: at the link below:

PJs Guitar Chords and Lyrics - Soul songs, Gordon Haskell "How wonderful you are"

If you're asking "Who the hell is Gordon Haskell", well, just checkout Gordon's official website - If you can't remember the song ( or never heard it ) it's on his MySpace page:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Snow Patrol - Signal Fire

I have posted my interpretation of Snow Patrol's "Signal Fire" from the "Spiderman 3" soundtrack, on my Snow Patrol chords page .

This is just one of the many artist pages on my guitar chords website, as well as the miscellaneous Rock songs, Pop songs, Soul songs, Folkssongs and Golden Oldies songs pages.

The song has pretty straightforward chords and is suitable for beginners, either on electric or acoustic guitar, check it out at the link below:

To find out more about the band, check out their official website at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Foo Fighters - Miracle

I have now worked out and added easy-to-play chords for "Miracle", from the fantastic album 'In Your Honor' by the inimitable Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters, and it's now on the guitar chords website.

You can check out my version of the song here: The Foo Fighters Guitar Chords page

To find out more about the band, check out their official website at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Zutons - Give Me Your Love & Remember Me

Just got into The Zutons guitar chordsover the past few weeks. I had already posted chords and lyrics to "Confusion", and have just finished posting the guitar chords for "Remember Me" from the excellent "Who Killed the Zutons" album, as well as the chords and lyrics for their new single "Why won't you give me your love". I expect to be posting more Zutons songs, so I've created a new page ( just the 3 songs so far ), which you can access at the link below:

The Zutons guitar chords and lyrics

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Morrissey - You Have Killed Me

Morrissey's New Album, "Ringleader of the Tormentors" is a continuation of the momentum of his revived career, excellent songs, with Mozza's voice still as powerful and quirky as ever.
I've posted the guitar chords and lyrics to "You have killed me" to my "Smiths guitar chords and lyrics Smiths guitar songs" page, just click on the link below:

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Friday, April 13, 2007

Fratellis - Ol' black n blue eyes chords and lyrics

Ok, if you're not a fan of The Fratellis, recent posts may have seemed repetitive, not to say evangelical! But come on, listen to the album a few times - get with the program!!!

Seriously, "Costello Music" by the Fratellis has been a real revelation to me, one of the best pop/rock/punk albums I've heard in the last 10 years. If you haven't already got this album - go get it now!!

I have now worked out easy-to-play chords for "Ol' Black'n'blue eyes", and it's on my guitar chords website.

You can check out my version of the song here: The Fratellis Guitar Chords page

To find out more about the band, check out their official website at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Friday, March 30, 2007

The Fray - She Is guitar chords and lyrics

I'm finding that old 'Scrubs' re-runs are great for reminding me of some fantastic songs I meant to work out but never quite got round to!

I had already posted "How to Save a Life" by the Fray, from their album of the same name to my Rock Songs(Click on H) page, having heard it the other day, I have now also worked out The Fray's "She Is" and posted it to my Rock Songs(Click on S) page. I hope you'll enjoy it! Click on this link: to check out all of the songs ( currently 1,616 ) on the site.

If you're a Frays fan, check out their official website (I think) at, and their MySpace fan page:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Amy Winehouse - Back to Black chords and lyrics

I had previously worked out and posted chords and lyrics to 'Rehab' and 'You know I'm no Good', from the brilliant 'Back to Black' album by Amy Winehouse. I've now added the title track ( 'Back to Black' ) to my Soul/R&B song chords page, check out the link below:

NOTE: All Amy Winehouse song chords now moved to my Amy Winehouse Guitar chords and lyrics page

You can find out more about Amy Winehouse and her music on her official website :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Monday, March 26, 2007

Fratellis - Baby Fratelli song chords and lyrics

Really lovin' "Costello Music" by the Fratellis - it gets better with every listen, no fillers, every track is tops! If you haven't already got this album - go get it now!!

I have now worked out easy-to-play chords for "Baby Fratelli", and it's now on my guitar chords website.

You can check out my version of the song here: The Fratellis Guitar Chords page

To find out more about the band, check out their official website at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger chords and lyrics

Finally got around to buying the Fratelli's "Costello Music" album, it's an absolute gem, every track stamped with their unique quirky, bouncy rock style.

I have worked out my interpretation of "Chelsea Dagger", and it's now on my guitar chords website.

You can check out my version of the song here: Fratellis Guitar Chords page

To find out more about the band, check out their official website at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This Celibate Life, The Shins guitar chords and lyrics

Added the Shins' "This Celibate Life" to my Rock Songs page. Just beginning to get into this band, so there may be more to come! Just click on the link: Rock songs guitar chords and lyrics

NOTE: All songs by the Shins have been moved to my new Shins guitar chords and lyrics page.

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Killers - Read My Mind chords and lyrics

"Read My Mind" is a song by Las Vegas-based Rock band "The Killers" and is the sixth track on their second album, Sam's Town, released in October 2006.

I have added my version of the chords and lyrics for the song to my Killers song chords page -

Find out more about the band on their official Island Records homepage or check out their entry on Wikipedia -

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Arctic Monkeys - Certain Romance

Feb 17
Gotta love the Arctic Monkeys!

I have posted chords and lyrics to the Arctic Monkeys' "Certain Romance" to my new Arctic Monkeys page:

Please note that all the songs on my site are my interpretation only, and are aimed at promoting the awareness of great artists and music among the guitar learning community.

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Amy Winehouse - You know I'm no good chords and lyrics

Amy Winehouse is 'An english Jazz/Soul singer and songwriter' who has been singing since an early age, according to Wikipedia -

I had previously worked out and posted chords and lyrics to the funky 'Rehab' on my site, and have now added the more soulful 'You know I'm no Good' to my Soul/R&B page, check out the link below:

NOTE: All Amy winehouse song chords have been relocated to my new Amy Winehouse song chords and lyrics page

You can find out more about Amy Winehouse and her music on her official website :

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

U2 - Window in the Skies chords

I've just posted the chords & lyrics of "Window in the Skies" to my U2 page, check out the link below.

PJs Guitar Chords and Lyrics - U2 songs, "Window in the Skies"

To find out more about the band, check out their official website at:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Kaiser Chiefs - Everyday I love you less and less

Jan 14
I have posted the Kaiser Chiefs "Everday I love you less and less" to my Rock Songs guitar chords page: ( This link will bring you to the section with songs beginning 'E' )

Please note that all the songs on my site are my interpretation only, and are aimed at promoting the awareness of great artists and music among the guitar learning community.

Enjoy your music,

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog:

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Razorlight - Before I Fall to Pieces song chords

I previously referred to them as 'London's Razorlight', but stand corrected by Wikipedia - - they are actually an 'Anglo-Swedish Pop Band'.

Anywaze, having already posted 'In The Morning' and 'America' to my Rock Songs page, I subsequently created a Razorlight chords page , and moved all of my Razorlight songs there.

I've now also worked out and posted "Before I Fall to Pieces", also now moved to the Razorlight Guitar Songs page:

PJs guitar chords and lyrics, razorlight song chords

Find out more about the band on their website:

Enjoy your music!

P.J. Murphy
webmaster: PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics -

Guitar Chords Blog:
Guitar Tips Blog: